The OnAF Resource Centre (OnAF RC)

A ‘’shared service centre,”   OnAF RC is an innovative approach to support OnAF operating entities and project teams  become cost-efficient in the planning and delivery of their initiatives. The OnAF RC model provides a collaborative working approach that ensures operating entities and project teams work in cooperation within the OnAF operating framework. Critical to the operations of OnAF,  it helps the OnAF Executive Board in providing strategic direction and oversight, it also serves as a repository for OnAF.

Key specific activities undertaken by the OnAF Resource Centre include contracting and procurement, providing support to Directors of OnAF operating entities and Leaders of project teams  in ensuring practical resources are made available to run their services. The support that is provided to OnAF entities and projects include administrative work, outreach work, advice on developing concept notes for projects, organizing events, availability of resources for projects, attending team meetings and due diligence financial assessment when required. Furthermore, the OnAF RC is customer facing through external and internal stakeholder engagements that include for instance the Onitsha constituent groups, and various agencies of government .

To proactively influence collaborative working between OnAF and Onitsha indigenes  who operate NGOs that often provide charitable support within the  homestead,  OnAF RC acts as an intermediary by offering management services that have oversight over the activities.

The  OnAF RC also acts as the operational arm of OnAF in supporting the Onitsha Traditional Council with ancillary development projects.

OnAF  Programme  Coordinator: Chiebunigom Kpari Rita Okolonji

Tel: +234 809 859 7313
